Tag Archives: japan

Hey, I’m big in Japan…I think?

Economic Tsunami

I was excited to see that people were reading and discussing my first published book, “The Economic Tsunami: How and Why the U.S. Sub-Prime Mortgage Storm Formed.”

Last summer, I co-wrote this book with my friend and former associate editor of TIME Magazine, Bruce E. Henderson. Since the book was published I have wondered how it was being received. Wondering if in fact anyone was even reading it. Unfortunately, the websites I recently found featuring reviews and comments about the book were in Japanese. I guess this makes sense since the only place the book has been published is Japan.

Here is an excerpt of a blog about the book that was translated from Japanese. “However, only part of this mortgage, this book is worth reading. 「住宅ローン」と一口に言うが、借り手から見て日本のそれとはだいぶ異なるのだ。 “Mortgage” and have a say in the mouth, not in Japan is different from the borrower a lot better. ただし読み飛ばしてはそういったところを見落とすので、本書を読む際には数字が出てくるところでは「徐行」して読んでいただきたい。 Skip But I miss them so, when you read this book at some numbers, “slow down” would like to read.”

So in other words, I have no idea what they are saying. And in a way my fragile ego may be glad.